ECA E-Learning Culinary Arts Training Program

ECA Online Culinary Arts Training Program

The Egyptian Chefs Association Culinary Arts Training Program is a superb long-distance learning opportunity for all chefs and non-chefs.

This Culinary Arts Training Program will help chefs refresh their knowledge of culinary fundamentals. It will also inform all who wish to learn more about culinary history or about the science of cooking and the chef’s profession.

How does the ECA Culinary Arts Study Program work?

The program consists of 6 modules with 34 subjects in total. These cover the theoretical basics of the apprenticeship program for professional chefs. ECA will guide you through them step-by-step.


  1. Sign up for the program.
  2. Upon signing up you will get a confirmation message that includes the link of the training manual of the 1st topic in Module 1 and the link to its final test.
  3. You will study this manual in preparation for a final exam on the subject.
  4. When you study the entire manual & feel ready, take the exam and submit it. You will get the result immediately.
  5. If you pass the exam, the result message received will include the study material for the next subject and the link to its final test.
  6. Once you study all the subjects of an entire module, you will take the final exam on that module.
  7. The pass mark or grade is 70%.
  8. ECA will issue a Certificate of Knowledge Proficiency for each module that is successfully completed.

The Egyptian Chefs Association will award an official Certificate of Knowledge Proficiency in Culinary Fundamentals to all those who successfully finish all 6 modules.

This Certificate will testify that the successful candidate has mastered the theoretical knowledge of Culinary Fundamentals.

Students can enroll in the program at any time.

Subjects & Modules

Module 1

Module 1
Module 2

Module 2
Module 3

Module 3
Module 4

Module 4
Module 5

Module 5
Module 6

Module 6

Fees: Free of Charge

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