Malaysian Palm Oil Live Cooking Competition

Live Cooking Competition

The Egyptian Chefs Association is hosting an exclusive culinary competition for professional chefs! This event offers a unique opportunity to showcase exceptional skills and creativity within a limited timeframe while highlighting the rich flavors of Malaysian Palm Oil.

The competition will take place over a single day in April 2025, featuring 20 talented participants. At the end of the challenge, three winners will be announced!

Total Prize Money Awarded: 30.000 LE!

Participate now and be one of the 3 winners!

How to participate:

  1. Competition is for Chefs Only!
  2. Submit your best recipe for Main Course Menu Category for 1 cover
  3. Using the Malaysian Palm Oil is a must.
  4. Time of the recipe should not exceed 45 minutes.
  5. ECA will select the best 20 recipes for the live cooking competition.
  6. The deadline for submitting recipes is Thursday, 10 April 2025.

Award Prize:

1st Winner: 15.000 LE

2nd Winner: 10.000 LE

3rd Winner: 5.000 LE

Participation Form:

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